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'healing for your pooch'

Does your pooch get anxious on a trip to the vet, or travelling in the car? Do they need a little bit of calm and inner peace when socialising with other dogs? Maybe your best friend doesn't have a lot of energy and could do with some help; or they may suffer from an ongoing illness.

Animals have a natural curiosity, but they also have an understanding of energy and vibrations. These bracelets are the perfect way to give your dog some healing too for their overall wellbeing..

These animal crystals slide onto your existing dog collars, or harnesses, so they can feel and absorb all the healing energies. They are made in the exact same way as the Celestial Bracelets and each comes with a description of all the crystals used and their healing properties.

​It is truly amazing how much dogs love being around healing energies and crystals, they absorb them much faster than us humans. This is because dogs hold no judgement; they live in the moment, with an open heart, allowing them to connect much quicker.


Disclaimer: K9 Krystal’s

Crystal healing and other types of energy work are not to be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine. If your pet has a serious health issue, you should consult your vet and make complementary healing part of a complete health care programme.

Do not place K9 Krystal’s in water. Do not permit your pet to swallow their K9 Krystal’s or any part of it, this is the responsibility of pet owners. Failure to do so could result in serious injury to your pet.


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